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AS you persue your photographic career you will find that being an event photography is the best option
There are event happening every day and everywhere all around you and in most cases they require a photographer to capture the event.
We at Casual and Action Photography can provide you with the basic information to get you started as an event photographer.
We have been in business since 1999 and now is the time to pass the torch to a new generation of photographers
We have perfected the “available light technology as not to affect the mood of the event
Our prices are below suggested market value so why not take advantage of our experience and began your photographic experience today?
A career as an event photographer can be both rewarding and lucrative. It’s important to start off on the right foot by learning the basics of photography, including how to use different types of cameras, lighting techniques, and editing software. You should also familiarize yourself with the industry standards for shooting events, such as weddings, corporate functions, and sporting events.